Current demand in Parkway Park Queensway Terrace S And A Neighbourhoods
What are the fastest selling Neighbourhoods in Parkway Park Queensway Terrace S And A?Analyze the average selling price of each neighborhood and discover which Parkway Park Queensway Terrace S And A neighbourhoods are the most popular by comparing bids over listing prices & days on the market to identify areas with high demand. In the list below we rank Parkway Park Queensway Terrace S And A neighbourhoods by number of homes that sold under 10 days and by how many listed homes sold above asking/list price.
All Neighbourhoods
Neighbourhood | Sold under 10d | Sold above asking | Average sale price |
1 6303 - Queensway Terrace South/Ridgeview | 57% | 29% | $649K |
2 6301 - Redwood Park | 20% | 20% | $441.7K |
3 6304 - Parkway Park | 17% | 0% | $660.9K |
4 6302 - Parkway Park | 0% | 0% | $877.1K |
5 6305 - Kenson Park | 0% | 0% | $600K |
All data based on last 90 days.