Somewhat Walkable
- Some errands can be accomplished on foot.
Excellent Transit
- Most errands can be accomplished by public transportation.
Somewhat Bikeable
- Most errands require a car.
St Gabriel Lalemant Catholic School
Elementary: CatholicSacred Heart Catholic School
Elementary: CatholicDr Marion Hilliard Senior Public School
Elementary: PublicTom Longboat Junior Public School
Elementary: PublicMary Shadd Public School
Elementary: PublicThomas L Wells Public School
Elementary: PublicSt Mother Teresa Catholic Academy Secondary School
Secondary: CatholicFrancis Libermann Catholic High School
Secondary: CatholicWoburn Collegiate Institute
Secondary: PublicAlbert Campbell Collegiate Institute
Secondary: PublicLester B Pearson Collegiate Institute
Secondary: PublicSt John Paul II Catholic Secondary School
Secondary: Catholic